Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Final Exam Schedule

Any work that you wish to turn in (e.g., final exam, final paper, any remaining readings questions) is due this Tuesday at noon in my office. YOU MUST GIVE THIS ALL TO ME IN PERSON, IN MY OFFICE: DO NOT JUST DROP IT OFF. YOU MUST SEE ME IN PERSON.

Everyone else (including seniors if they want to make it):
We'll meet Wednesday at 10:30 AM. Your final exam, final paper and any remaining readings questions are due. Be prepared to tell your peers about your papers. Again, you too MUST GIVE THIS ALL TO ME IN PERSON, IN MY OFFICE: DO NOT JUST DROP IT OFF. YOU MUST SEE ME IN PERSON.

The Semester's Readings

Highlighted below are all the assigned readings from Clark and a few additional readings. All corresponding and relevant chapters and sections from Stairs were also assigned.

Readings in the Philosophy of Religion
Edited by Kelly James Clark

Table of Contents:

Introduction: The Renaissance in the Philosophy of Religion

Part One
Introduction: Arguments for the Existence of God

Chapter 1. The Cosmological Argument

  1. Thomas Aquinas, “The Five Ways
  2. Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz, “On the Ultimate Origination of Things”
  3. J.L. Mackie, “Cosmological Arguments”
  4. William Lane Craig, “The Kalaam Version of the Cosmological Argument”

Chapter 2. The Argument from Design

  1. William Paley, “The Watch and the Watchmaker”
  2. David Hume, “Critique of the Argument from Design”
  3. Richard Dawkins, “The Blind Watchmaker”
  4. Michael Denton, “The Puzzle of Perfection”
  5. Robin Collins, “The Fine-Tuning Argument”

Chapter 3. Moral Arguments

  1. Plato, “Euthyphro”
  2. Robert Merrihew Adams, “Moral Arguments for Theistic Belief”
  3. Linda Zagzebski, “The Virtues of God and the Foundations of Ethics”

Chapter 4. Religious Experience

  1. William Alston, “Perceiving God”

Chapter 5. Naturalism Refuted?

  1. Alvin Plantinga, “The Self-Refutation of Naturalism”

Chapter 6. The Balance of Probabilities

  1. Richard Swinburne, “A Cumulative Case for the Existence of God”
  2. J.L. Mackie, “The Balance of Probabilities”
  3. Alvin Plantinga, “Arguing for God”
  4. William J. Wainwright, “The Nature of Reason”

Suggestions for Further Study

Part Two


Introduction: Reason and Belief in God

Chapter 7. The Need for Evidence

  1. W.K. Clifford, “The Ethics of Belief”

"A Right to be Wrong," Allen Stairs

  1. Antony Flew, “The Presumption of Atheism”

Chapter 8. Wittgensteinian Fideism

  1. Norman Malcolm, “The Groundlessness of Belief”
  2. Kai Nielsen, “Religion and Groundless Believing”

Chapter 9. Pragmatic Justification of Religious Belief

  1. Blaise Pascal, “The Wager”
  2. William James, “The Will to Believe”

Chapter 10. Reformed Epistemology

  1. Kelly James Clark, “Without Evidence or Argument”
  2. Phil L. Quinn, “On Finding the Foundations of Theism”

Suggestions for Further Study

Part Three


Introduction The Problem of Evil

Chapter 11. The Problem Stated

  1. David Hume, “God and Evil”

Chapter 12. Theodicy

  1. John Hick, “The Soul-Making Theodicy”
  2. Marilyn McCord Adams, “Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God”

Chapter 13. The Evidential Problem of Evil

  1. William Rowe, “The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism”

"A Tale of 12 Officers," Mark Vuletic

  1. Daniel Howard-Snyder, “Rowe’s Argument from Particular Horrors”

Suggestions for Further Study

Part Four


Introduction: Critiques of God

Chapter 14. The Hermeneutics of Suspicion

  1. Karl Marx, “The Opium of the Masses”
  2. Friedrich Nietzsche, “Religion as Resentment”
  3. Sigmund Freud, “The Future of an Illusion”

Chapter 15. Humanism

  1. “A Humanist Manifesto”

Suggestions for Further Study

Part Five


Introduction: Philosophical Theology

Chapter 16. Does God Suffer?

  1. Johan Scotus Eriugena, “Divine Impassibility”
  2. Nicholas Wolterstorff, "Suffering Love"

Chapter 17. Prayer

  1. Thomas Aquinas, “Whether It Is Becoming to Pray?”
  2. Eleonore Stump, “Petitionary Prayer”

Chapter 18. Is There a Hell?

  1. Stephen T. Davis, “Universalism, Hell and the Fate of the Ignorant”
  2. Marilyn McCord Adams, “The Problem of Hell: A Problem of Evil for Christians”

Chapter 19. Religious Pluralism

  1. John Hick, “The Philosophy of Religious Pluralism”
  2. Peter van Inwagen, “Non Est Hick”

Chapter 20. Feminist Theology

  1. Patricia Altenbernd Johnson, “Feminist Christian Philosophy?”

Suggestions for Further Study

Part Six


Introduction: Asian Philosophy of Religion

Chapter 21. The Sources

  1. The Upanishads
  2. The Life of the Buddha

Chapter 22. Buddhist Philosophy of Religion

  1. Bimal K. Matilal, “Mysticism and Reality: Ineffability”
  2. Edward Conze, “Buddhist Philosophy and Its European Parallels”

Chapter 23. Taoism

  1. Lao Tzu, “The Tao Te Ching”
  2. T’ang Chün-I, “Spiritual Values in Taoism”

Suggestions for Further Study